Looking for outstanding after-school activities for your pre-school through high school student? Collegiate Enrichment Academy offers a wide range of excellent extra-curricular experiences on campus for students outside of the school day. These typically run for one 14-week session at a time (fall and spring), one session per week. Offerings include art, cheer, music, and others. Feel free to contact Steve Elmore (316-771-2285, or cea@wcsks.com) with any questions or comments. Non-Collegiate students may also enjoy Enrichment Academy classes. May your children experience much creative growth and excitement. You may find our online course catalog here.

ENROLLMENT: To enroll, click the "Registration" tab on the CEA website. Existing accounts may be accessed by clicking the “Active Parent Portal” tab. Great Beginnings and pre-School students are categorized "pre-School" in the Active registration system.
Early Childhood students enrolled in full-day academic classes are not allowed to attend CEA classes which meet during normal academic hours.
Great Beginnings students may enroll in fall classes only with the approval of the director and academic teacher based on whether the student is sufficiently socially prepared. They may enroll in winter or spring classes without restriction.
CEA CALENDAR: CEA classes follow the WCS calendar and observe the same holiday and conference schedule.
CEA this year will operate in two sessions, fall and spring each encompassing 14 weeks of lessons/classes, instead of three as in previous years. Some classes operate on a modified schedule, so check the calendar or ask the instructor if you have any questions. Missed sessions may require additional time to be made up. You may find the CEA calendar by clicking the “Calendar” tab on the CEA website.
FEES: Each session (fall and spring) requires new enrollment and incurs new fees. All CEA fees must be paid in full for each session in advance. No CEA fees may be billed to your WCS account. Wichita Collegiate School will automatically deduct any balance due for a class from the original payment source. Wichita Collegiate School reserves the right to automatically deduct any delinquent or outstanding balances without notification.
CLASS ESCORTS: Students Great Beginnings-4th grade are escorted to their CEA class/lesson by CEA staff. Students of this age range who stay on campus after their class will be escorted to their next destination.
CANCELLATIONS/RESCHEDULING PRIVATE LESSONS: Fees will be refunded for any portion of a class that is cancelled by Wichita Collegiate School or the CEA at any time. If the class is NOT cancelled, a refund minus an administration fee will be given only if the request is made within the first two weeks of the start of the class. The administration fee will be either $25 or 5% of the class fee, whichever is greater.
Parents are expected to pay for private lesson cancellations made less than 24 hours before scheduled unless there is an emergency. When the teacher cancels or the weather dictates an absence and a make-up lesson is not rescheduled, you will receive a reimbursement for the amount of the lesson.
To reschedule a private lesson please observe these procedures: (1) A lesson will be rescheduled only if the CEA teacher is notified at least 24 hours prior to the absence. (2) A lesson will be rescheduled at a time that is mutually convenient for the CEA teacher, parents, and student, and when facilities are available. The 24-hour policy may be waived if the cancellation is due to an emergency or sudden illness or at the teacher's discretion.
CEA DISMISSAL: Students grades Great Beginnings -4 will be dismissed by CEA staff from the Early Childhood front porch.
COMMUNICATION: The Director is always available to discuss concerns or answer questions. Please discuss any problem with the CEA teacher first, if appropriate. You will find the teachers’ contact information by clicking the “Teachers” tab on the CEA website. If you are not satisfied, do not hesitate to contact the Director: cea@wcsks.com, 771-2285.
Racks containing brochures about individual classes are mounted in the Lower School and Early Childhood buildings. A Message Board is located in the Early Childhood Building. Daily schedules as well as cancellations, class location changes, class start, and end dates, and other information will be posted throughout the year, and sent by phone or email when appropriate.